Thursday, July 17, 2008

A walking tour of Mysore

I decided to get lost in the city.

Brilliant colors, crazy drivers, fruit vendors, milling cows. I stumbled upon the Mysore flower and vegetable market in the heart of town, which I later learned is one of Mysore's famous attractions for its explosion of color. I stayed at Devaraja Market for a long while, sitting with a boy and his uncle selling Indian oils and drinking chai.

This colored powder stacked in conical heaps below is known as Kumkum. When mixed with water, forms a washable paint. A Mysore staple, it can be used in rituals, wall painting, body painting, or even canvas.

I left the market and continued exploring. Ate some delicious pomegranate and enjoyed India.

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Awesome photos, Jana! You are a NATURAL blogger, girl. Keep on, keepin' on....