Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The double nose ring

One time, in Myrtle Beach, things got wierd. I also got my eyebrow pierced. Now, all who have ventured to Myrtle Beach for Yale's graduation week know that it does not count as real life. In hearing of my facial piercing, my conservative Jewish father, however, was less than understanding. "If you don't take that thing out," he deplores, "there are two people who are not going to be at your college graduation: one of them is me; and the other one is you." Good one, Dad, good one.

Here in India, facial piercings abound. Nearly every woman has a nose piercing with a gold stud. There are the elaborate saris and the ankle brancelets, then the bengals, the necklaces, the bindi (the dot on the forehead), earrings, and lastly, the nose ring. Or my personal favorite, the double nose ring. Of course, I'm into all of it. This cultural style knows no age bias, exemplified by the lady in this picture. Is she awesome, or is she awesome?

So, Dad. Let's talk. It's time to be culturally sensitive and accept my double nose piercing. And for both piercings, I got the gold chain from my nose to my ear for free. What do you think? Kidding, maaaan. Love ya. Happy birthday!

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